Online Application
You will be asked to submit your CV, and answer basic business questions (similar to cover letter).
How to respond for success
Looking back I didn't actually tailor my cover letter enough. Luckily that didn't harm my application. I don't think it stood out as such, but was just good enough to get to the test stage.
Expect a 1-2 week wait before advancing to the next stage.
Psychometric test
There is 1 mathematical test. Roughly 20 mins. Having already done 10-15 of these tests for other companies, I didn't feel the need to conduct any extra preparation.
Expect standard Maths/reasoning questions. A typical psychometric test.
How to respond for success
Make sure you are comfortable with answering this type of questions. Work quickly - so you need to practice to pick up speed!
Expect around a 2 week wait before advancing to the next stage.
Phone Interview
20 minutes. I prepared generic competency and motivational questions in advance.
Expect generic competency/motivational questions. For example:
- Tell me about a time you worked in a team?
- Why are you applying for the Business Programme?
How to respond for success
My answers were well prepared and well rehearsed. It is very important to prepare adequately. It was a phone interview so dress how you like.
Expect around a 2 week wait before advancing to the next stage.
Assessment Centre
The day is around 4 hours, 9am-1pm. I prepared by making sure I understood as much as possible about the company and any recent events involving the company. Also made sure I was thoroughly prepared for competency/motivational questions.
- 1st stage: group case study. You work with a group to evaluate the pros and cons of an initiative they give to you.
- 2nd stage: 1-1 zoom interview. Approx 40mins. Competency and motivational questions.
- 3rd stage: individual case study. You are given 20 mins to read then you give a 10 min presentation.
How to respond for success
I spoke at length. Make sure you fill the time allocated to you. Also try to involve as much maths as possible in the individual case study. Wear a suit for the assessment centre.