Online Application
The application process for the Grow Insight Week at Deutsche Bank asked for both CV and Cover Letter. No additional questions were asked of candidates at this stage.
How to respond for success
I made sure to include key words related to the skills they were looking for (teamwork, leadership, working under pressure, etc.) and I think what made me stand out was the very personalised Cover Letter that I wrote - I networked with as many people as possible and name-dropped them in the CL in order to show recruiters that I had gone out of my way to research the bank and its culture.
Expect a 2-3 week wait before progressing to the next stage.
Situational Judgement Test
I undertook 1 situational judgement test. It took around 45 minutes to complete and I used JobTestPrep to help me prepare. They provide you with accurate practice questions that will present work mirroring the real test. They also offer tips, strategies and explanations for every question.
Example task
If you use JobTestPrep, he practice tests offered are very similar to the real thing. I also made a Word document with tips and tricks for the SJT - feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn if you'd like me to send it to you.
How to respond for success
Make sure to go on the bank's website and know the bank's values - the questions you'll get asked might (indirectly) ask applicants what kind of values they have, and if they match the bank's ones.
Expect a 2-3 week wait before progressing to the next stage.
Phone Interview
It was a 30-minute phone interview, and I prepared by printing out my CV and using different highlighters to highlight the experiences that helped me develop the skills that I knew banks were looking for: leadership, teamwork, working under pressure, meeting tight deadlines etc.
Example task
It was a behavioural interview, so no technical knowledge was needed. The questions ranged from "Why Investment Banking?" to "Tell me about a time where you had to make a difficult decision and the steps that you took to make it".
How to respond for success
Good body language is needed even during phone interviews - you think that the interviewer cannot discern your mood from your tone, but they actually can! I know it sounds stupid, but I would suggest you to actually smile during the interview, and keep your tone light.
Practice the STAR interview technique beforehand.
Ask any alumni from your university, or current students who are applying to spring weeks like you, to do 1-1 mock interviews with you.
For the "Why IB" and "Why this bank" questions, make sure to have a PERSONAL answer - replies such as "I want to go into a fast-paced profession where I'll have a lot of impact" are not going to cut it. Get deeper!