Online Application
For the initial stage you are only required to submit a CV.
How to respond for success
I made sure I had a detailed and well laid out CV that was easy to read and had appropriate buzz words explaining things I learnt from previous work experience. I was also proactive in attending panel events from various banks and included these in my CV. Also, having extra-curricular activities to show that I am a well rounded individual helped me too!
Expect up to a 1 week wait before progressing to the next stage.
Online Tests
You will face a Situational Judgement, Numerical, Verbal and Logical tests. I personally bought a JobTestPrep membership and practised these tests numerous times to get comfortable and familiar with the types of questions and challenges I would be faced with. I placed most of my focus on getting fast at maths calculations and learning the company values to best answer situational based questions.
Example task
Expect maths and chart based questions. For the situational and scenario based questions just be yourself! There will also be verbal reading and text analysis.
How to respond for success
Knowing the company values is probably best for situational questions. And then just practise practise practise for the other sections of the assessment by using a great resource like JobTestPrep!
Expect around a 1 month wait before progressing to the next stage.
Video Interview
I had one 30 minute zoom interview with a member of the trading floor. It was quite a challenging interview to get to know the interviewer as they were in the middle of a challenging day! However dressing well, being patient and having well prepared answers for competency and commercial awareness questions was key!
Example task
It started with an introduction and 'why you have chosen your university degree?'. A walk through my CV and then moved on to competency and motivational questions like “tell me a time in which you showed…”. This was fairly straight forward and typical for normal banking interviews.
How to respond for success
Commercial awareness and being up to date on current affairs was very important for this interview. Considering it was for the equities spring, I was tested on my knowledge of what sectors were performing well and what could be effecting markets at that time. I was well versed as well on using the STAR technique for competency questions.