Online Application
In this initial stage, you fill in your personal details, education history and work experience. This is followed by two timed online tests, one is logical and the other is numerical. This should only take you around 30 minutes.
How to respond for success
Sammy recommends really taking your time on this part of the application process. Be sure to brush up on basics and practice for these tests. It will be hard to answer all the questions in numerical so just make sure you focus more on getting the questions right rather than speeding through.
Expect a 1-month wait before progressing to the next stage.
Virtual Interview
This stage consisted of 5 questions in which you had 30 seconds to prepare and a minute to answer each. Sammy remembered the first two Q's being based on AON as a company and the rest regarding competency in the workplace. They might be specific to the job role you are applying to also.
How to respond for success
To successfully answer these questions ensure you have done your research on the company. Read up on core values, company culture and PR schemes carried out recently. Having a bank of company-related topics allows you to always have something to talk about, no matter what the question is.
Expect a 1-month wait before progressing to the next stage.
Situational Judgement Tests
This section of the application follows directly from the video interview. Here Sammy was put into a workplace setting and you have scenarios put in front of you. It is timed, so you have to respond quickly to the scenarios. A large proportion of the situations were client orientated. It tested Sammy’s ability to respond to different emotions from clients. This will take you around an hour.
Example task
An example scenario given to Sammy was that he had to respond to an email regarding an issue with the client. He had to type out a formal email response with correct grammar and spelling.
Expect a 1-month wait before progressing to the next stage.
Assessment Centre
The first part of the assessment centre was to prepare a presentation to present to a panel of hiring managers. There were three topics to choose from and Sammy chose “how to establish strong relationships with clients”. There is a time limit on presentations so it is important to be clear and concise on slides.
The second part of the assessment centre was an hour long interview, consisting mainly of competency based questions. The main focus was your ability in the workplace and how your personality can boost your effectiveness within the job role.
Example task
One question from the interview was “ Give an example of when you had to resolve a conflict”.
How to respond for success
Presentation: Based on feedback, what Sammy did well was use a good visual aid to support his points. This meant using visuals outside of the general PowerPoint materials. He used the graphic design platform Canva to support this. Along with this, he made sure that the presentation slides were minimal and did not overextend on non-key points. He also treated the panel as clients, meaning he came across as someone with strong interpersonal skills.
Interview: Sammy suggests keeping a conversational tone with the interviewer. He also suggests talking about things outside of your CV, this gives a more holistic picture of yourself as a professional.