Online application
This will take around 30 minutes to complete. It requires you to fill out your personal details, education history and any work experience you have.
Expect a 1 to 2-hour wait before progressing to the next stage.
Online assessment
This section consists of 4 main parts. The first 3 parts of the questions will be testing your reaction, memory and numerical reasoning skills. These are time-limited where you will continue to answer questions until you run out of time. As for the 4th part, there will be 30 questions in total and no time limit, meaning you can spend your time focusing to do your best.
Reaction questions
This section requires you to complete small exercises, like matching shapes and will have 3-5 minutes to complete as many exercises as possible. P&G will be testing your speed and accuracy. Keep in mind that after a certain number of failed attempts, the test could conclude early, so make sure that you are accurate in your responses.
Memory questions
This section requires you to complete small exercises, like repeating patterns of dots, and you will have 3-5 minutes to complete as many exercises as possible. P&G will be testing your speed and accuracy. Keep in mind that after a certain number of failed attempts, the test could conclude early, so make sure that you are accurate in your responses. I believe this was the trickiest part of the whole P&G assessment (and all of my peers & friends who applied to various P&G positions can agree). Don’t be too stressed. Many of us found this quite difficult and thought we hadn't done well, but you’ll be surprised to see how many people are able to pass this stage.
Numerical reasoning
This section requires you to complete numerical questions, which will become more difficult with each one. You will have 3-5 minutes to complete as many exercises as possible. These questions are commonly framed around text and equation questions where you have to apply your knowledge in order to calculate a numerical value as an answer. P&G will be testing your speed and accuracy. Keep in mind that after a certain number of failed attempts, the test could conclude early, so make sure that you are accurate in your responses.
Situational questions
In the final section of the Online Assessment, P&G will require you to respond to roughly 30 situational type questions where you have to rank your answers of how you would respond, 1 being most likely and 5 being you would not respond like that. There is no time limit for this section, so take your time to respond as well as you can.
Expect an immediate response before progressing to the next stage.
On-demand interview
If you have passed the Online Assessment stage, you will be invited to an interview which you will attend straight away, so make sure that you have nothing in your calendar after you begin the process. You will have 7 days to complete the interview. This stage will consist of around 6, pre-recorded questions where you have to record your response. You will have 1 minute 30 seconds to prepare a response for each question, followed by another 3 minutes to record your answer.
Example task
A common question that you could be asked in this stage could be: "Tell us about a time where you had to deal with a difficult individual in a team"?
How to respond for success
P&G does not use AI screening in this stage, a human recruiter will be assessing your responses. For this, keeping your responses as natural as possible will get you recognised for the right reasons.
Expect a 2-day wait before progressing to the next stage.
Live interview
In my first interview, I only spoke to one employee, and the interview lasted around 1 hour. The questions prepared for you will take about 30-40 minutes, and then you’ll have spare time to ask questions back. Take advantage of this! It makes a BIG difference by showing you are interested in the company, what a day in the life looks like, their employees, how the company handled COVID etc.
Example task
Typical interview questions will include more situational ones such as:
- If a project is going badly, what would your next steps be as a Project Manager?
- You are in a team with 5 people trying to deliver a project. You reach a stage in the project where an important decision has to be made. You are aware of the way things are supposed to go and how to lead the team to success, however one of your team members disagrees with your approach. How would you handle this situation?”
How to respond for success
Talk a lot about relevant experiences you’ve had that demonstrate teamwork, leadership, communication, time management skills etc. Always focus on the things that you have achieved, EG: “I took the initiative in..." "I did" etc. Teamwork is definitely important but don't forget to focus on the individual achievements. It can also help to mention any knowledge you have about P&G. Being an ITMB student at the University of Manchester, in our second year of university we did a module called Integrative Team Project 2. The project involved mainly group presentations & teamwork and the case study was based on P&G and its brands. This project allowed me to learn more about the company, and I took advantage of it and mentioned the project and my implications.
Expect a 2 to 3-day wait until progressing to the next stage.
Final interview
This final interview will last around an hour, where you will be speaking with 2 P&G seniors, one team manager and one hiring manager. Some of the questions asked in this last stage are similar to the first live interview.
Example task
A typical question could be:
- Describe a time where you have used Project management skills?
- Have you ever managed a workflow?
How to respond for success
The interviewers will ask follow up questions that will require you to elaborate on your previous answers, so it is important that for each answer you give, that it is honest and detailed.